Fantasy Owl Names Badass Owl Names Good Owl Names Best Owl Names Cute Owl Names Funny Owl Names Famous Owl Names Cool Owl Names Unique Owls Names Pet Owl Names Adorable Cute Owl Names

250+ Fantasy and Famous Owl Names with Meanings

Owls are wise, strange, and gorgeous birds that deserve special names. Selecting these right Owl Names helps match their personality and color, or exclusive nature. An ideal name makes your owl even more special and attached to you.

There are many Owl Names motivated by nature, myths, and legendary owls from books and movies. Some names reflect their wisdom, while others capture their silent and elegant flight. Whether you want a cute, cool, or traditional name, there are many great choices.

In this article, we will discover the finest Owl Names with meanings to help you find out the ideal name for your feathered companion!

Fantasy Owl Names

Full of mystery and magic, Fantasy Owl Names will fill your imagination with wonder. These names make it seem like these owls live in a world filled with mythical creatures and adventures, giving these mystical owl fantasy names a world of their own.

These names invoke magic, authority, and an immersive adventure attributed to the world of fantasy and dreams.

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
  • Althaea-A mystical herb, representing healing and strength
  • Astra-Star-like and full of cosmic energy
  • Azura-Sky blue, representing freedom and magic
  • Blazeheart-A fierce spirit, burning with passion
  • Celestia-Heavenly and full of grace, like the stars
  • Drakina-Dragon-like, powerful and fierce
  • Elara-A moon goddess, full of mystery and grace
  • Faerie-Small, magical, and full of wonder
  • Galadrielle-Inspired by a fairy queen, wise and radiant
  • Hallow-A mysterious and enchanted space
  • Ithil-Moonlight, soft yet powerful
  • Nymera-Shadowy and elusive, a name from the dark
  • Oberon-King of the fairies, powerful and noble
  • Phelix-Phoenix-like, reborn from the ashes
  • Riven-Torn between worlds, mysterious and magical
  • Sable-Dark and mysterious, like the night
  • Solstice-A turning point, full of change and magic
  • Thalassa-Ocean-like, deep and full of power
  • Valeria-Strong and powerful, a protector of peace
  • Vespera-Evening star, calm and beautiful
  • Zephyra-Gentle and cool, like magical breeze
  • Zorina-Golden and radiant, like a true queen

Badass Owl Names

Owls are powerful and strange, making Badass Owl Names a great choice. These names are motivated by warriors, mythology, and fierce creatures. Select a name that shows your owl’s powerful and brave nature!

AnarchistRule breakerHellfireDark flame
AssassinSilent killerHurricaneStorm force
AxeSharp strikerInfernoFire spirit
BanditNight thiefIronMetal warrior
BarrageStorm forceJaguarSwift killer
BlitzLightning attackKillerDeath bringer
CarnageBattle furyKnucklesHard striker
ChaosDisorder bringerMayhemChaos bringer
ClawTalon masterNemesisVengeance bringer
CrimsonBlood hunterNightmareFear maker
DaggerSwift strikerOutlawRule breaker
DarknessNight rulerReaperSoul taker
DeathFinal hunterRogueLone hunter
DemonDark spiritSavageWild hunter
DoomFate bringerShankSharp striker
DragonFierce hunterSkullDeath symbol
ExecutionerFinal judgeSlayerBeast killer
FangSharp toothStealthSilent mover
FuryRage masterVenomPoison striker
GraveDeath bringerWraithGhost warrior  
HavocChaos maker

Good Owl Names

These owl names exhibit owls from a global perspective. The good names for owls portray the profound creatures’ nature, their quiet flight, and their effortless intelligence. These good owl names signifies something specific, be it the owl’s physical features, its actions, or even its status as a predator.

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
Name with MeaningName with Meaning
Artemis-Night HunterMerlin-Magic Sage
Banshee-Night SpiritNyx-Night Goddess
Cosmo-Universe WatcherOracle-Wise Seer
Dusk-Evening GuardPixel-Wise Eyes
Echo-Silent CallQuest-Night Seeker
Phantom-Ghost HunterRaven-Dark Wing
Ghost-Silent FlyerShadow-Dark Hunter
Hedge-Forest GuardTwilight-Evening Wing
Iris-Rainbow EyesWisdom-Night Sage
Jinx-Magic SpiritXerxes-Wise King
Keeper-Night GuardYoda-Wise Master
Luna-Moon WatcherZephyr-Night Wind

Best Owl Names

These best names for owls that are derived from myths or natural phenomena not only portray the owl’s nocturnal nature but also awe and royalty. All of these best names for an owl give this particular creature the feel of a true and perfect being!

  1. Athena-Wisdom Goddess
  2. Barred-Forest Watcher
  3. Celeste-Star Gazer
  4. Drake-Dragon Spirit
  5. Eclipse-Moon Shadow
  6. Frost-Winter Guard
  7. Glider-Silent Wing
  8. Hoot-Night Voice
  9. Ivory-White Feather
  10. Jupiter-Sky King
  11. Lyra-Star Song
  12. Nebula-Star Cloud
  13. Pluto-Dark Planet
  14. Quill-Feather Point
  15. Rowena-Wise Friend
  16. Sage-Wise One
  17. Talon-Sharp Claw
  18. Urban-City Hunter
  19. Vesper-Evening Star
  20. Winston-Stone Guardian
  21. Xander-Defender Night
  22. Yale-Highland Guardian
  23. Zeus-Sky Father

Cute Owl Names

Owls being mysterious, lovely, and wise also make them unique creatures. The following list shows the cute names for owls and portrays them as calm and beautiful, which makes them truly lovely. The names, along with their meanings, make them special in every way, for they signify beauty in its purest form. These are perfect cute names for an owl that deserves a name as special as it is! 

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
  • Archie-Brave owl
  • Beanie-Small and snug
  • Chirpy-Cheerful and chatty
  • Coco-Sweet like chocolate
  • Fluffy-Soft and cuddly
  • Glow-Gentle and luminous
  • Maple-Warm and earthy
  • Nimbus-Cloud-like and airy
  • Opal-Shimmering and rare
  • Pebble-Small but strong
  • Pippa-Happy and curious
  • Snowy-Pure and gentle
  • Twinkle-Sparkling with charm
  • Willow-Flexible and graceful

Funny Owl Names

Owls have a funny side to them, which makes them all the more entertaining. When you decide to give your owl a humorous twist, it shows the complete opposite of how serious meter the owl comes with. Here are some funny names for owls that do justice to their personalities, alongside serving their ultimate purpose of bringing a smile to your face and making you adore them even more. Silly names for an owl make them more adorable by illustrating their fun and amusing side. Funny names for owls will surprise you by making them even cuter by highlighting their silly side.

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
Name with Meaning
Albertine-(A twist on “Albert Einstein” for a wise owl)
Beaky-(Perfect for an owl with a big personality and a sharp beak)
Boomer-(For an owl with a loud “booming” hoot)
Captain Hoot-(The leader of the owl crew, always hooting orders)
Churro-(Sweet and twisted, just like their personality)
Cluckington-(An owl who acts more like a chicken)
Dr. Hoot-(The owl who’s always “who-ing” to solve mysteries)
Flapjack-(Loves to flap around like a pancake, flipping)
Fuzzywig-(A fluffy and wiggly little owl)
Goober-(Silly, clumsy, and absolutely adorable)
Hootini-(A magical owl who’s always disappearing)
MacHoot-(A tough and funny Scottish owl)
Nightwing-(Dramatic and slightly over-the-top)
Owldacious-(Outrageously funny and bold)
Pecky-(For the owl who’s always poking around)
Poof-(Fluffy and vanishes quickly like a puff of smoke)
Puffernickel-(Round and soft like a bread roll)
Screecher-(For an owl with an extra loud hoot)
Sir Fluffington-An owl with a noble and hilarious poofy look)
Snickerdoodle-Sweet and a little nutty)
Swooper-Always swooping around with dramatic flair)
Whoopie-Funny and full of surprises)
Wingnut-A quirky and slightly crazy little owl)
Zoomer-Fast and zippy, always on the move)

Famous Owl Names

These names are attributed to different pop culture facets involving books, movies, and shows that are loved globally. Each owl name listed has been an intricate part in the life of many stories. I adore these famous names for owls because they evoke cherished memories surrounding renowned and adored figures.

ArchimedesMerlin’s CompanionOwlPooh’s Friend
BlathersMuseum GuardianPigwidgeonRon’s Messenger
ChronosTime KeeperQrowleyNight Sage
DiggerLegend GuardianRowletLeaf Guardian
Grand DukeForest LeaderStolasCrown Prince
HedwigHarry’s FriendTooterWise Teacher
IlvermornySchool GuardianUiltjeDutch Guardian
JarethGoblin KingVampireNight Hunter
KaeporaGaebora GuideWoodsyForest Guide
LordNight MasterXavierNew Guardian
MethuselahWise ElderYoungbloodSpirit Guide
NoctowlNight Watcher

Cool Owl Names

Owls throughout history are said to have been highly regarded and have a cool, mysterious nature surrounding them. These owl names are intended to be cool because all owls are superstars in their own right and should have names that reflect their nature.

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
ApolloInspired by the Greek god of the sun and music, strong and radiant
BlazeFiery and bold, a symbol of strength and energy
CarbonSleek and dark, like the cool color of coal
CypherMysterious and full of hidden meanings
FalconFast and sharp-eyed, just like a predator
FrostbiteCool and sharp, like a winter chill
HunterBrave and sharp, always on the lookout
HunteressA fierce female hunter, bold and fearless
IceCool, calm, and collected
KairoStrong and noble, like a leader or king
NoirStylish and sleek, dark as midnight
OnyxDark and powerful, a true force of nature
RebelIndependent and strong-willed
SkyeEndless and open, like the cool blue sky
SteelStrong, unbreakable, and cool

Unique Owls Names

Owls are as extraordinary as the name Definitions such as charm, wisdom, and uniqueness suggest why such a powerful avian deserves a befittingly distinct name. Charm, wisdom, and uniqueness are the names that define and represent the very core of an owl. These names are special and different. Here is a list of unique names for owls and their meanings that make them stand out even more.

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
  1. Alchemy-Magical and mysterious, like a science of transformation
  2. Ashen-Light and smoky, like the color of ashes
  3. Breezey-Light and refreshing, like a soft breeze
  4. Caramel-Sweet and warm, like the color of caramel
  5. Duskwood-Mysterious and dark, like the woods at dusk
  6. Emberly-Glowing softly, like a fading ember
  7. Faelan-Wolf-like and wild, untamed and mysterious
  8. Galadriel-Radiant and elegant, like a shining star
  9. Hespera-Evening star, bright and calm
  10. Iridesce-Shiny and colorful, like a shining light
  11. Juno-Powerful and wise, named after the Roman goddess
  12. Kaida-Little dragon, strong and brave
  13. Lira-A constellation name, beautiful and celestial
  14. Minerva-Roman goddess of wisdom, smart and brave
  15. Nyx-Greek goddess of the night, mysterious and dark
  16. Ophelia-Graceful and beautiful, like a character in literature
  17. Phaedra-Bright and shining, like the moonlight
  18. Quasar-A distant, bright star, full of energy
  19. Rafferty-Strong and full of courage, like a warrior
  20. Solace-Calm and comforting, bringing peace
  21. Thistle-Sharp and wild, with a hint of beauty
  22. Ulysses-Adventurous and daring, like a great explorer
  23. Valora-Brave and bold, full of courage
  24. Wisteria-Beautiful and delicate, like a flower
  25. Zephyrine-Graceful and gentle, like a soft breeze

Pet Owl Names

The above pet names are selected as simple and friendly, making them suitable as an owl pet friend. I have devised pet names for an owl that signal the strength and majesty of such an avian, but with a touch of playfulness. These pet names that suggest owls are fun to say and those Special Characteristics that make them unique pets help define them further.

Fantasy Owl Names
Badass Owl Names
Good Owl Names
Best Owl Names
Cute Owl Names
Funny Owl Names
Famous Owl Names
Cool Owl Names
Unique Owls Names
Pet Owl Names
Adorable Cute Owl Names
Name with MeaningName with Meaning
Ace-(Top Friend)Oliver-(Peace Keeper)
Buddy-(Close Friend)Pepper-(Spice Spirit)
Charlie-(Free Spirit)Quirky-(Funny Friend)
Dusty-(Gray Friend)Rocky-(Strong One)
Eddie-(Lucky Guard)Scout-(Night Watcher)
Feathers-(Soft One)Tucker-(Cloth Folder)
Hooter-(Night Singer)Uzzi-(Strong Friend)
Igor-(Loyal Friend)Vinnie-(Winner Bird)
Jazz-(Smooth Mover)Waldo-(Forest Friend)
Koko-(Night Friend)Xavi-(New Home)
Lucky-(Fortune Bird)Yoshi-(Good Luck)
Milo-(Gentle One)Ziggy-(Dance Friend)
Nibbles-(Treat Lover)

Adorable Cute Owl Names

Owls are both exceptionally cute and wise with their huge fluffy feathers and round eyes. These birds have a penchant for transforming into soft balls of fluff while sleeping and exceptional hunters while awake. These nicknames are indicative of the sweet and kind-hearted personalities as well as their cuddly appearance.

  • Angel-Sweet Spirit, Kind Soul
  • Biscuit-Cookie Sweet, Crumb Love
  • Cherub-Baby Angel, Sweet Spirit
  • Dumpling-Sweet Roll, Fluffy Love
  • Elfie-Tiny Magic, Sweet Sprite
  • Giggles-Happy Sound, Joy Maker
  • Honeybun-Sweet Roll, Sugar Love
  • Ihop-Pancake Jump, Sweet Hop
  • Kisses-Love Touch, Sweet Peck
  • Lollipop-Sweet Treat, Sugar Pop
  • Marshmallow-Soft Sweet, Cloud Puff
  • Nugget-Tiny Gold, Small Treasure
  • Oreo-Cookie Sweet, Cream Love
  • Peaches-Sweet Fruit, Soft Touch
  • Quilty-Soft Cover, Cozy Friend
  • Rainbow-Color Joy, Happy Arc
  • Snuggles-Warm Hug, Cozy Love
  • Twinkle-Star Shine, Light Joy
  • Umbrella-Rain Shield, Cozy Cover
  • Valentine-Love Heart, Sweet Care
  • Waffles-Sweet Grid, Honey Friend
  • Xoxo-Love Hugs, Sweet Kiss
  • Yummy-Sweet Joy, Tasty Love


Finding the ideal name for your owl is awesome, whether you want Fantasy Owl Names that sound magical or Badass Owl Names that show strength. If you choose something easy, Good and Best Owl Names provide great choices for any owl’s personality.

For a lovely feel, Funny, and Cute Owl Names are very wonderful charm and fun. If you love well-known owls, then select Famous Owl Names from those inspired by movies, myths, and history.

If you want a trendy and stylish name, Cool and Unique Owl Names can give your owl a bold identity. Finally, for those who keep an owl as a pet, Pet Owl Names help create a special relationship. Whatever you select a name; make sure it matches your owl’s unique beauty and personality!

Choose a Name That Matches Your Owl’s Personality: Pick a name that reflects your owl’s unique traits. A calm and wise owl might suit a fantasy name like Merlin, while an energetic one could be called Zoomer or Blaze.

Pick a Badass Name for a Strong Owl: If your owl has a fierce look, choose a powerful name like Raven, Talon, or Shadow to highlight their majestic presence.

Go for Cute and Adorable Names: For a tiny or fluffy owl, pick a sweet and cuddly name like Puffy, Hootie, or Bubbles to match their charming appearance.

Use Funny and Playful Names: Owls can be quirky, making funny names a great choice. Try Whoo-dini, Owly McOwlFace, or Dr. Hoot for a humorous touch.

Choose a Famous Owl Name: Take inspiration from well-known owls in movies, books, and cartoons like Hedwig (Harry Potter), Archimedes (The Sword in the Stone), or Owl (Winnie the Pooh).

Look for Unique and Cool Names: Stand out by picking a rare and cool owl name like Noctis, Eclipse, or Stormy to give your owl an unforgettable identity.

Try Pet-Friendly and Easy-to-Say Names: Owls recognize sounds, so choosing a short, simple name like Luna, Tiki, or Nox makes it easier for them to respond.

 What are Some Cool and Badass Names for an Owl?

If you want a powerful and fierce name for your owl, consider Shadow, Talon, Noctis, Storm, or Phantom. These names reflect the mystery and strength of these majestic birds.

How do I Choose a Unique Fantasy Owl Name?

For a fantasy-inspired owl name, look at mythology, folklore, and magic. Names like Athena (Greek goddess of wisdom), Strix (legendary owl), Merlin (wizard), and Nyx (Goddess of the Night) are great choices.

What are some cute and funny names for a pet owl?

If your owl has a sweet or quirky personality, try Hootie, Whoo-dini, Owly McOwlFace, Bubbles, or Tiki. These names add a fun and playful touch to your pet’s identity.

What are Some Famous Owl Names from Movies and Books?

Owls are popular in fiction and pop culture. Some famous owl names include Hedwig (Harry Potter), Archimedes (The Sword in the Stone), Owl (Winnie the Pooh), and Soren (Legend of the Guardians).

How do I Choose an Owl Name Based on Personality?

If your owl is wise, go for names like Sage or Oracle. If it’s playful, choose Peppy or Jester. A quiet and calm owl may suit Whisper or Serenity.

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