300+ Badass and Catchy Panther Names with Meanings
Panthers are strong, strange, and good-looking animals. Selecting the perfect name for your panther can show off their unique, bold, and elegant nature. Panther Names can be inspired by their dark fur, fierce traits, or the wild places they come from.
A prime name helps your panther feel even more special and powerful. Whether your panther is playful, fierce, or calm, there’s an ideal name for them. Discovering Panther Names with meanings will help you find a name that truly suits their spirit.
We will explore the names for panthers along with their meanings in this article. Let’s find the wonderful name for your remarkable panther!
Cool Panther Names
Add manners and individuality with Cool Panther Names showing off their wild charm that match panthers who are bold, sleek, and confident.

Name with Meaning
- Shadow-Stealth Prowler
- Onyx-Night Stone
- Phantom-Ghostly Hunter
- Raven-Dark Messenger
- Obsidian-Volcanic Glass
- Midnight-Darkest Hour
- Storm-Powerful Force
- Titan-Great Strength
- Viper-Swift Strike
- Fang-Sharp Tooth
- Echo-Resonant Call
- Slate-Gray Stone
- Shade-Light Blocker
- Ebony-Dark Wood
- Smoke-Silent Drift
- Pantera-Latin Origin
- Savage-Fierce Hunter
- Dusk-Evening Shadow
- Cinder-Burning Ember
- Jett-Black Mineral
- Void-Empty Space
- Coal-Dark Fuel
- Stealth-Hidden Movement
- Charcoal-Burned Wood
- Umbra-Deep Shadow
- Abyss-Bottomless Depth
Famous Panther Names
Famous Panther Names carry history and power, making your panther unforgettable, and these names are inspired from books, movies, and legends.
Name | Meaning |
Bagheera | Jungle Guide |
T’Challa | Wakandan King |
Pink | Cartoon Star |
Shuri | Tech Princess |
Winston | Freedom Fighter |
Sekhmet | Egyptian Goddess |
Kala | Protective Mother |
Zira | Pride Queen |
Killmonger | Vengeful Warrior |
Bastet | Cat Deity |
Nakia | Loyal Spy |
Shere | Feared Hunter |
Okoye | Royal Guard |
Saba | Ancient Protector |
M’Baku | Mountain Leader |
Xoliswa | Peace Keeper |
Baast | Divine Protector |
Ramonda | Wise Queen |
Zuri | Elder Shaman |
Nala | Pride Lioness |
Jabari | Forest Tribe |
Aneka | Dora Milaje |
Ayo | Head Guardian |
W’Kabi | Border Chief |
N’Jobu | Hidden Prince |
N’Jadaka | Exiled Royal |
Cute Panther Names
Playful or gentle panthers deserve soft and Cute Panther Names that are perfect and show their friendly and adorable side.

Name | Meaning | Name | Meaning |
Pebble | Smooth Stone | Pumpkin | Orange Gourd |
Buttons | Tiny Fastener | Peanut | Tiny Legume |
Sprinkle | Light Dusting | Cupcake | Mini Cake |
Whisker | Facial Hair | Biscuit | Baked Good |
Paws | Soft Feet | Snuggle | Warm Embrace |
Cotton | Fluffy Material | Twinkle | Sparkly Light |
Bean | Small Seed | Bubble | Air Sphere |
Nibble | Gentle Bite | Marble | Smooth Sphere |
Marshmallow | Sweet Treat | Cookie | Sweet Biscuit |
Pepper | Spicy Speck | Jellybean | Candy Morsel |
Muffin | Baked Delight | Nugget | Small Chunk |
Velvet | Soft Fabric | Dewdrop | Morning Moisture |
Pudding | Sweet Dessert | Snickerdoodle | Cinnamon Cookie |
Good Panther Names
Good Panther Names are a great choice if you want something simple and meaningful. These good names for panthers reflect strength and elegance.
Name with Meaning
- Noble-High Character
- Valor-Great Courage
- Justice-Fair Treatment
- Honor-High Respect
- Wisdom-Deep Knowledge
- Guardian-Loyal Protector
- Legend-Storied Figure
- Spirit-Inner Force
- Brave-Fearless Heart
- Mighty-Great Power
- Virtuous-Moral Excellence
- Sterling-Highest Quality
- Gallant-Heroic Spirit
- Regal-Royal Bearing
- Valiant-Determined Courage
- Champion-Contest Winner
- Dignity-Noble Bearing
- Merit-Deserved Respect
- Righteous-Just Soul
- Paragon-Perfect Example
- Exemplar-Ideal Model
- Majestic-Grand Presence
- Sovereign-Supreme Ruler
- Esteemed-Highly Regarded
- Faithful-Unwavering Loyalty
- Prestige-High Standing
Unique Panther Names
Unique Panther Names are rare and memorable and highlight your panther’s one-of-a-kind personality.

Name with Meaning | Name with Meaning |
Zephyr-West Wind | Labyrinth-Complex Maze |
Axiom-Self-evident Truth | Chimera-Mythical Hybrid |
Quasar-Luminous Object | Kaleidoscope-Pattern Changer |
Zenith-Highest Point | Hyperion-Light Titan |
Cipher-Secret Code | Entropy-Gradual Decline |
Quantum-Smallest Unit | Meridian-Circle Line |
Nexus-Central Connection | Nebula-Cosmic Cloud |
Enigma-Puzzling Mystery | Synthesis-Combined Elements |
Paradox-Logical Contradiction | Equinox-Equal Night |
Eclipse-Light Obscuring | Parallax-Apparent Displacement |
Phoenix-Reborn Fire | Aurora-Dawn Light |
Solstice-Sun Standing | Apogee-Farthest Point |
Cosmos-Universal Order | Prism-Light Separator |
Mythical Panther Names
Mythical Panther Names inspired by legends and ancient stories. These names bring magic to your panther’s identity and add mystery and wonder.
Name with Meaning
- Artemis-Hunt Goddess
- Apollo-Sun God
- Odin-Wisdom Father
- Zeus-Thunder King
- Athena-Wisdom Goddess
- Thor-Thunder Wielder
- Osiris-Resurrection God
- Freya-Love Goddess
- Anubis-Afterlife Guardian
- Hades-Underworld Ruler
- Loki-Trickster God
- Poseidon-Ocean Master
- Hercules-Divine Strength
- Persephone-Spring Queen
- Horus-Sky God
- Gaia-Earth Mother
- Morpheus-Dream Shaper
- Ra-Solar Deity
- Ares-War God
- Isis-Throne Goddess
- Heimdall-Watchful Guardian
- Hermes-Swift Messenger
- Demeter-Harvest Goddess
- Dionysus-Wine God
- Hecate-Magic Goddess
- Chronos-Time Keeper
Male Panther Names
Male Panther Names are strong and bold. These names reflect power, bravery, and the fierce strength of male panthers.

Name with Meaning
- Magnus-Great One
- Kaiser-Emperor Title
- Rex-King Title
- Duke-Noble Rank
- Atlas-Titan Bearer
- Baron-Nobleman Title
- Czar-Imperial Leader
- Pharaoh-Ancient Ruler
- Raja-Indian King
- Sultan-Islamic Sovereign
- Samson-Strong Man
- Commander-Military Leader
- Knight-Armored Warrior
- Emperor-Supreme Ruler
- Prince-Royal Son
- Chief-Tribal Leader
- King-Royal Ruler
- Victor-Triumphant One
- Lord-Noble Master
- Khan-Mongol Leader
- Captain-Team Leader
- Master-Skilled Teacher
- General-Army Leader
- Pharaoh-Egyptian King
- Count-European Noble
- Monarch-Crown Wearer
Female Panther Names
Female Panther Names reveal the beauty and style of female panthers and celebrate their grace and strength.
Name | Meaning |
Cleopatra | Glory Father |
Nefertiti | Beautiful Arrival |
Empress | Female Emperor |
Queen | Royal Woman |
Duchess | Duke’s Wife |
Countess | Count’s Wife |
Princess | Royal Daughter |
Tsarina | Russian Empress |
Diva | Divine Woman |
Pharaoh | Egyptian Ruler |
Sultana | Sultan’s Wife |
Maharani | Great Queen |
Goddess | Female Deity |
Lady | Noble Woman |
Geisha | Art Person |
Baroness | Baron’s Wife |
Dowager | Widow Noble |
Prima | First Lady |
Madame | Respectful Address |
Marquise | Marquis Wife |
Czarina | Imperial Consort |
Regent | Throne Guardian |
Majesty | Royal Dignity |
Sovereign | Supreme Ruler |
Consort | Royal Spouse |
Matriarch | Female Leader |
Baby Panther Names
Tiny but fierce, Baby Panther Names are playful, cute, and perfect for young panthers, which are energetic and full of charm.

Name | Meaning | Name | Meaning |
Cub | Young Panther | Smidgen | Tiny Amount |
Kit | Small Baby | Morsel | Small Bite |
Tiny | Very Small | Tadpole | Young Swimmer |
Pip | Small Seed | Speck | Tiny Spot |
Dot | Tiny Spot | Mite | Minute Creature |
Bitty | Extremely Small | Sprite | Small Spirit |
Mini | Miniature Version | Dinky | Unusually Small |
Peewee | Very Tiny | Squirt | Small Spray |
Little | Small Size | Pinch | Small Amount |
Teeny | Extremely Tiny | Crumb | Tiny Piece |
Itty | Very Small | Fluff | Light Material |
Wee | Tiny One | Scrap | Small Piece |
Petite | Delicately Small | Droplet | Tiny Drop |
Cartoon Panther Names
Cartoon Panther Names are inspired by famous animated panthers. These names bring a playful and creative touch to your panther.
Name with Meaning
- Panky-Mischievous Trickster
- Clawdia-Sharp Nailed
- Spotty-Marked Fur
- Inky-Dark Liquid
- Pouncer-Jump Attacker
- Purrington-Vibration Sound
- Whiskers-Facial Hair
- Tails-Back Appendage
- Prowler-Stealthy Walker
- Scratchy-Claw User
- Meowser-Loud Caller
- Pawsy-Foot Forward
- Furball-Hair Mass
- Sneaky-Quiet Mover
- Roary-Loud Voiced
- Stripey-Line Patterned
- Slinky-Smooth Mover
- Growly-Deep Voiced
- Jumpy-Quick Leaper
- Bitey-Teeth User
- Fuzzy-Soft Coated
- Swipey-Quick Grabber
- Hissy-Air Expeller
- Prowly-Hunt Walker
- Puffball-Expanded Fur
- Snarly-Angry Growler
Panther Names For Cats
Panther Names For Cats highlight their sleek, bold, and mysterious look. Choose these names if your pet cat looks like a mini panther.
Name with Meaning
- Shadow-Dark Figure
- Midnight-Dark Time
- Ebony-Black Wood
- Salem-Peace City
- Raven-Black Bird
- Noir-French Black
- Sable-Dark Fur
- Twilight-Day End
- Licorice-Black Candy
- Pepper-Dark Spice
- Coal-Black Mineral
- Blackie-Dark Colored
- Onyx-Dark Gem
- Jet-Black Stone
- Obsidian-Black Glass
- Inky-Dark Liquid
- Charcoal-Burned Wood
- Pitch-Black Substance
- Phantom-Ghost Figure
- Eclipse-Sun Cover
- Mystery-Unknown Entity
- Spook-Scary Being
- Slate-Gray Rock
- Batman-Night Hero
- Spade-Black Card
- Panther-Black Cat
Panther Names In Movies
Find stimulation from the big screen with Panther Names In Movies. These names reflect the strong and iconic panthers seen in popular films.
Name with Meaning
- T’Challa-Wakandan Royalty
- Bagheera-Jungle Guide
- Erik-Hidden Prince
- Nakia-Spy Fighter
- Shuri-Tech Genius
- Ramonda-Queen Mother
- Okoye-General Leader
- M’Baku-Mountain Protector
- Zuri-Wise Counselor
- W’Kabi-Border Security
- Killmonger-Exile Warrior
- N’Jobu-Secret Traitor
- Diablo-Spanish Devil
- Everett-Colonial Ally
- Ulysses-Arms Dealer
- N’Jadaka-True Name
- Linda-Coffee Server
- Zora-Spy Operative
- Talon-Mercenary Hunter
- Xoliswa-Dora Soldier
- Azzuri-Former King
- Aneka-Midnight Angel
- Ayo-Royal Guard
- Tilda-Museum Director
- Limbani-Security Chief
- Bashenga-First King
Selecting the perfect panther name is more than just choosing a word—it’s about showing off the power, beauty, and attraction of your pet. Whether the name is mythical, cute, or cool, it reveals your pet’s sole characteristics and the particular relationship. A great name makes your panther feel like a family member and shows the world how much they mean to you. As you find these strong and playful names, think about what best matches your fierce buddy. Keep reading to discover the most amazing names for your panther companion!
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Tips for Choosing Panther Names
Reflect Their Personality: Observe your panther’s behavior — is it playful, mysterious, or calm? Choose a name like “Shadow” for a stealthy pet or “Luna” for a gentle one.
Get Inspired by Nature: Look to the wilderness for ideas. Names like “Midnight,” “Storm,” or “Onyx” highlight their wild and powerful nature.
Use Mythology: Mythical names add charm and meaning. Consider names like “Zephyr,” “Nyx,” or “Ares” to give your pet an enchanting identity.
Gender-Specific or Neutral Names: Pick names that suit your pet’s gender or go for unisex options. “Leo” or “Max” work well for males, while “Jade” or “Nova” suit females.
Famous Panther Names: Draw inspiration from pop culture. Names like “Bagheera” from The Jungle Book or “T’Challa” from Black Panther give your pet a legendary vibe.
Play with Alliteration: Names that roll off the tongue are memorable. “Pablo the Panther” or “Percy the Prowler” make fun and catchy choices.
Short and Simple: Choose names that are easy to call out. Names with one or two syllables like “Rex,” “Zara,” or “Lux” work best for training and bonding.
Color-Themed Names: Highlight their sleek fur with color-inspired names. “Jet,” “Coal,” or “Ember” emphasize their stunning black coats.
Cartoon and Movie Names: Pull ideas from animated classics. “Felix,” “Panthro,” or “Salem” can add a playful or nostalgic touch.
Test the Name: Say the name out loud several times. If it feels right and suits your panther’s personality, it’s a perfect match!
FAQs for Choosing Panther Names
What are Some Powerful and Cool Names for Panthers?
Cool panther names often reflect strength and mystery, like Shadow, Midnight, or Storm. These names highlight the panther’s sleek and fearless nature.
How can I Choose a Unique Name for My Pet Panther?
To pick a unique panther name, think about their personality, color, and behavior. Names like Obsidian, Jinx, or Eclipse stand out and make your pet memorable.
What are Some Famous Panther Names from Movies and Cartoons?
Famous panther names include Bagheera from The Jungle Book and the iconic Pink Panther. Drawing inspiration from movies can give your pet a legendary name.
What are Good Male and Female Panther Names?
Good male panther names might be Onyx, Zephyr, or Nero, while female panther names could include Luna, Sable, or Mystique. Choose names that suit their bold and graceful character.
Can I Use Mythical Names for My Panther?
Absolutely! Mythical names like Hades, Nyx, or Bastet add a magical and powerful feel to your panther’s identity, reflecting their mysterious and majestic presence.